The mineral dolomite with the chemical formula CaMg(CO3)2 is fully exposed in three directions.
Most dolomites are found in cream-gray and gray-white colors. But some have been seen with other colors such as white, yellow, green and black.
This mineral has a specific weight of 6.2 grams per cubic centimeter, its hardness is 3.5-4 and it has a glassy or pearly luster. The constituent elements of dolomite are mainly magnesium oxide (MgO) and lime (CaO). But other elements such as iron, sodium and potassium oxides may also be found in their structure. This mineral contains 30.4% (CaO), 21.92% (MgO) and 47.7% (CO2). Dolomite is found in massive layers with thicknesses of several tens of feet, they make up about 15% of the earth's crust and are found in large quantities in all parts of the world. Dolomite is known as one of the common components of sedimentary rocks. The rocks containing dolomite are known by the same name as dolomite or dolomite limestone. Carbonate minerals include calcite, aragonite, dolomite. Perhaps no other mineral has the uses that limestone and dolomite have. Due to their physical properties, carbonate stones form the basic foundations of the building materials industry and have been used since the beginning of human civilization, and currently the use of these stones is increasing. Carbonate rocks comprise 50% of the world's oil and gas reservoirs and 95% of Iran's oil and gas reservoirs. Carbonate sediments are composed of calcite (low or high magnesium) or aragonite and some dolomite, pyrite and quartz.
was last modified: July 20th, 2021